Submitted by Katie Mandell,
BBH Director of Community Engagement
April 16 is National Healthcare Decision Day (NHDD). It is observed annually with the goal of raising awareness and encouraging people to make informed decisions about their healthcare. The day serves as a reminder to all individuals to consider their healthcare wishes and communicate them with their loved ones and healthcare providers.
NHDD was started in 2008 by a group of healthcare organizations that recognized the importance of advance care planning. Advance care planning is the process of thinking about and communicating one’s preferences for medical treatment, including end-of-life care, in case of an illness or injury that leaves one unable to make decisions for themselves.
The day provides an opportunity for individuals to take control of their healthcare decisions, rather than leaving them in the hands of others. It encourages people to have open and honest conversations with their loved ones and healthcare providers about their wishes.
The importance of advance care planning was emphasized during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many individuals were faced with difficult decisions about their medical care. The pandemic highlighted the importance of having a plan in place for end-of-life care, as well as the importance of communicating those wishes to loved ones and healthcare providers.
The NHDD campaign emphasizes the importance of advance care planning by providing resources and tools to help individuals start the conversation with their loved ones and healthcare providers. These resources include conversation guides, advance directive forms, and tips for how to discuss advance care planning with loved ones.
Participating in NHDD doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as having a conversation with loved ones and discussing your healthcare wishes, or completing an advance directive like 5 Wishes. An Advance Directive is a legal document that allows individuals to specify their healthcare preferences in the event that they are unable to make decisions for themselves.
By participating in NHDD, individuals can ensure that their healthcare wishes are known and respected, even if they are unable to make decisions for themselves. It also helps to alleviate the burden on loved ones who may be forced to make difficult decisions without knowing the individual’s preferences.
In conclusion, National Healthcare Decision Day is an important reminder for all individuals to consider their healthcare wishes and communicate them with their loved ones and healthcare providers. It emphasizes the importance of advance care planning and provides resources to help individuals start the conversation. By participating in NHDD, individuals can ensure that their healthcare wishes are known and respected, even if they are unable to make decisions for themselves.
If you would like a consultation or group presentation, please call Big Bend Hospice at 850-878-5310 or complete your 5 Wishes online for free HERE.