Transitions Supportive Care

Submitted by Fabiola Jean-Charles, Director of Transitions Supportive Care

Transitions Supportive Care is specialized medical care focused on symptom relief and the stressors that often accompany a serious illness. The goal of supportive care is to improve the patient’s overall quality of life. Supportive care can help you carry on with daily life; improve your ability to go through medical treatments; and help match your treatment choices to your goals.

If you, or someone close to you, needs help coping with the stress of a serious illness, Transitions Supportive Care is here to help.

Transitions Supportive Care can help you manage your serious illness by providing education and information so you can:

  • Know what to expect.
  • Know what programs and resources are available.
  • Make informed medical decisions about treatment options.
  • Achieve your goals and values as it relates to your medical plan of care.
  • Understand the pros and cons (benefits/burdens) of treatments (eg., dialysis, additional cancer treatments, surgery, etc.)