Submitted by Susan Droessler, Director of Complementary Therapies
Question: What is Music Therapy?
Answer: Music Therapy (MT) is the research-based use of music by a certified professional to achieve non-musical, therapeutic goals. It is an allied health profession and Music Therapy professionals can be found working in a variety of settings including hospitals, schools, psychiatric facilities, rehabilitation facilities, nursing facilities, and many more. A vast body of clinical research has been done regarding the efficacy of Music Therapy and there are entire scientific journals dedicated to the topic
Question: What training and certification do Music Therapists have?
Answer: Music Therapists receive a degree from an accredited university; this may include a bachelor’s degree, master’s, and/or doctorate in MT. Upon completion of the degree, the MT is required to complete a full-time 6-month internship. When the internship is complete they take a board certification exam and attain the credential “MT-BC” (Music Therapist-Board Certified). The MT must maintain this credential with continuing education credits and re-certify every 5 years.
Question: What needs or goals do Music Therapists address?
Answer: Common MT goals for supportive care clients include: pain and symptom management, positive stimulation, life review to improve quality of life and coping, self-expression, emotional support, spiritual comfort, coping with anticipatory grief, reduction in anxiety or agitation, increasing relaxation related to insomnia or sleep disturbances, and more.
Question: What does a Music Therapy session look like?
answer: Music Therapists almost always use live, client preferred music during sessions. MT-BCs often use guitars but are able to use other instruments as needed. Clients don’t need to have any prior music experience or even be able to actively participate to benefit from MT. Though Music Therapy often appears entertaining, the therapeutic goal is what is most important. Music Therapists may also create and provide customized recorded materials for use between sessions.